5.0 Afterthoughts

I original wrote this website towards the end of 2015, but thoughts and ideas don’t remain static. Initially I wasn't sure if I’d update the contents of this site as time goes on, but it seems as good a place as any to document any ongoing observations.

So I expect what follows to be a more or less random collection of ideas which may or may not be added to when I feel I have something new to say or record. They appear in chronological order with the date they were posted noted for reference.

next >

1 comment:

  1. Hmm!

    Well I left the Christadelphians nearly four decades ago through their unscriptural and immoral practices on marital issues, but I didn't lose my faith over it, indeed, it increased it.

    The Gift of eternal life through "Jesus Christ our Lord" is far to precious to lose merely for the sake of others who have decided to liberalize for the sake of the "weakness of the flesh"

    Just because we leave them does not mean we "throw in the towel" and reject Christ outright, that is an exceedingly foolish and treacherous thing to do, when Almighty God has given us such a special and wonderful opportunity to be saved for ever and ever.

    Nothing good can ever come of it, and nigh long, our life comes to end and the next waking moment we stand before Christ having to answer why we deserted him and thrown away all chance of obtaining life eternal.

    What can this puny life offer but constant trouble and pain and creeping old age and finally corruption?

